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Ceiling installation on view at the Scottsdale Civic Center Library, March -June 2012. Commissioned by Scottsdale Public Art through the IN FLUX Initiative for the exhibition of The 1000 Journals Project with Scottsdale's 100+ Journals.

With Collective Energy I continue to explore the dialog between body and space through distinct visual elements abstractly and metaphorically representing the energy flow and line drawing that are present in my own practice of journaling and sketching. My choice of materials offers a secondary layer of interpretation in this installation. Both the pantyhose and the yarn-wrapped 'iconic' bulbs are sensual in materiality and form. They reference the female body by abstracting it, and allude to the classical portrayal of the female figure in drawing. These materials also subtly expose the intimacy involved in viewing another persons journal, or inner world, shedding light and insight into this private experience.

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